Fair Trade Decor
Fair Trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries and promote sustainability. It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries, most notably handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, etc. Fair Trade’s strategic intent is to work with marginalized producers and workers in order to help them move towards economic self-sufficiency and stability. The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) is the trade association that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to fair trade. Fair trade is an economic partnership based on dialogue transparency and respect. The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) is the trade association that creating opportunities for economically and socially marginalized producers along with supporting safe and empowering working conditions for developing transparent and accountable relationships. We treat each Fair Trade product as the one-of-a-kind, uniquely handmade. So when you see a figurine or basket or mask you like in our online store, you can get that exact. Each one is individually photographed and cataloged for your convenience. With all the arts and crafts offered on this site, we have two objectives: to provide the customer with a beautiful, functional, unique piece of artwork, and to further the economic development of the rural women of underdeveloped countries utilizing Fair Trade principles. We have a great variety of handmade, Fair Trade products that fit into your lifestyle.